General Information


This season we will be playing our home games at two different locations. The primary location will be at Lincoln Christian School and the secondary location will be at Lincoln Lutheran Schools
Lincoln Christian School is located at 5801 S. 84th Street in Lincoln. (The Southwest corner of 84th and Old Cheney).

Lincoln Lutheran Schools are located at 1100 N 56th Street in Lincoln, NE (Between Holdrege and Vine on 56th)


Please remember to pray for us, we are praying for you. Also remember we are honoring God above all things. If we see ungodly conduct, you will be called on it, and measures will be taken. We want to always be “salt & light” wherever we go. We want our first commitment to be Christ, in all things. Our prayer is that we grow more Christ like, we grow more friendships, and we grow into better basketball players.


We welcome players from Lincoln, Seward and the surrounding areas who are homeschooled for 51% of their classes. Our current teams are as follows:
Varsity Girls 6th –12th grades
Junior High Girls Team 5th – 8th grades
Varsity and Jr. Varsity Boys 9th – 12th grades
Junior High Boys Teams A & B 5th – 8th grades


Players, we have a few rules you will be expected to adhere to. Fits of temper are not allowed on the court. Questioning the referees’ calls is the coaches’ job. If there is any display of bad sportsmanship there are four steps we will generally follow:

  • First, you will be warned that you may not act that way
  • Second, you will be pulled and benched for the rest of the game
  • Third, you will not be allowed to attend the next game, not even as a fan
  • Fourth, you are off the team

The Eagles board reserves the right to adjust the disciplinary actions up or down depending on the seriousness of the offense up to and including removing a player from the team on the first offense.

Parents, your job is to encourage the student athletes and coaches. Please remember these are just games… we want to win, but not lose our witness for Christ.

Thank you for letting us be a part of your children’s lives. We really do love them and want the best for them. Also thank you for helping when we ask. We cannot do this alone. Most of all we thank you for your prayers.